Dear patients, below are recommendations for preparing for certain types of laboratory tests.
*Your doctor's training recommendations are paramount!
*Adherence to the recommendations has a positive effect on the accuracy and reliability of the result, a compelling request, read them carefully

It is recommended to donate bloodon an empty stomachafter an 8-12 (8-14) hour night fasting period. In the morning on the day of the study, it is permissible to drink a small amount of water.
If you acceptmedicines, you should consult with a doctor about the feasibility of conducting an examination against the background of treatment or the possibility of withdrawing the drug before the examination.
Planned laboratory tests are recommended to be carried out in the absence of significant onespsycho-emotional and physical stressin the previous few days. This especially applies to hormonal studies (prolactin, STH, cortisol, sex hormones, etc.), blood coagulation indicators.
A number of biochemical indicators in women depends onphases of the menstrual cycle, especially this applies to sex hormones. Ask your doctor about the optimal days for taking samples for hormone research.
Recommended for most laboratory testsexclude alcohol intakeper day, stop smoking at least one hour before taking biomaterial.
Many biochemical indicators of bloodhave diurnal fluctuations. Reference values (norms) in the conclusion are given, as a rule, for the morning time.
Most hormonal studies (prolactin, THG, cortisol, etc.) have the fundamental importance of donating blood in the morning.

General analysis of urine

The entire portion of morning urine is used. However, release a small amount of urine (the first 1-2 seconds) into the toilet.
Urine should be collected after hygienic procedures (thorough toileting of the external genitalia), failure to observe this rule may cause the detection of an increased number of erythrocytes and leukocytes in the urine, which will make it difficult to make a correct diagnosis.
Morning urine is collected in a dry, clean, well-washed plastic or glass container with cleaning agents and disinfectants. Then mix the sample and immediately pour off about 50 ml. material in a special sterile disposable container for urine, with a screw-on lid, you can buy such a container from us without a "markup" or at any pharmacy.
Your last name, initials, date of birth, date and time of material collection must be indicated on the container, the entry must be made in legible handwriting.
Do not collect urine during menstruation.
It is not recommended to eat vegetables and fruits that can change the color of urine (beets, carrots, etc.)
It is not recommended to take diuretics.
On the eve of the analysis, alcohol, marinades, smoked products, and honey should be excluded.
The collected material can be stored for no more than 1.5-2 hours, during this period you need to deliver the urine to our point. Store in the cold.
Daily urine collection

Urine is collected for a day. It is necessary to collect urine under the usual drinking regime.
The firstmorning portionurine is removed, this portion of urine is poured into the toilet.
All subsequent portions of urine, allocated during the day, night and the morning portion of the next day, are collected in one container, which is stored in the refrigerator (+4 - +8) throughout the collection time. After each collectionscrew the cap tightlycontainers Turn off freezing.
Collect the last portion of urineexactly at that timethe next day, when the collection was started the day before. For example, if the urine collection was started at 8:00 a.m., then also at 8:00 a.m. the next day, the bladder should be emptied and the last portion added to the total volume in the container.
After completing the urine collection, the contents of the container should be accurately measured,be sure to mixand immediately pour 10 - 40 ml. in a special container (it can be purchased in our medical center, in our points or in pharmacies). It is not necessary to bring all the urine. Only the molded part in a special container.
Enter the following data: surname and initials, age, height and weight,the daily volume of urine that you collected(diuresis) in milliliters, for example: "Diuresis 1250 ml." After that, deliver the research material to our medical center or one of our locations.

Freshly excreted feces are collected for research.
3-4 days before the study, it is necessary to cancel the intake of laxatives, castor oil and petroleum jelly, stop the administration of rectal suppositories. Feces obtained after an enema, and even after taking barium (during an X-ray examination), are not used for research.
Before collecting the analysis, urinate in the toilet, then, by natural defecation, collect the feces in a container (be careful not to get urine). The substrate is pre-treated with any disinfectant, thoroughly washed with running water several times and rinsed with boiling water.
Feces are collected in a clean, disposable container with a screw-on lid and a spoon (it can be purchased in our medical center, in our points or in pharmacies) in an amount of no more than 1/3 of the volume of the container. A closed container is not allowed.
Bring the collected material to us within 3 hours from the moment the analysis was collected. It is advisable to keep the material in the cold during the specified time (for this, you can use a cold pack or cover the container with ice cubes prepared in advance). Freezing is not allowed. Long-term storage (more than 5-6 hours) is not allowed.
Your last name, initials, date of birth, date and time of material collection must be indicated on the container, the entry must be made in legible handwriting. In the referral form, the diagnosis and date of onset of the disease, information about taking antibiotics must be specified. When taking the material, it is necessary to observe sterility.
If possible, the collection of material for research should be carried out before the appointment of antibiotics (if it is not possible, then only 12 hours after the withdrawal of the drug).
Is biomaterial collected the day before not subject to research.

Before conducting the study, sexual moderation (abstinence) from 2 to 7 days is required.
When re-examining, wait the same number of days as during the first one.
Refrain from drinking any alcoholic beverages, taking sleeping pills, sedatives, strong drugs, etc.

Bacteriological studies
The collection of material is carried out before the start of antimicrobial therapy. If this is not possible, then 5 days after its cancellation.
When taking the material, it should be excluded that disinfectants, antiseptics, etc. get into it.
The collected material is delivered to the laboratory in a special container as soon as possible.
The collected material is delivered to the laboratory in a special container as soon as possible.
Urological PCR study
It is best to take tests during the period of exacerbation of this or that infectious disease, real or likely to exist. This will be the easiest way to detect the genetic material of the virus.
It is recommended not to urinate 3 hours before passing the test (if it is about passing urine or a smear from the urethra).
Before passing the analysis, it is recommended to perform hygiene of the genital organs (also if it is about passing urine or swabs).
Refrain from sexual contact (2-3 days before the examination). A week before the study, the intake of antibacterial drugs is excluded. They can smear the clinical picture.